Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Down! But definitely not out!

The Carryou Ministry farming project at Vleikop has had to face a number of obstacles recently.
 Two violent wind storms resulted in extensive damage to one of the tunnels. But despite the odds stacked against them, the team, under the watchful eye of Stephen Ngakane, has continued to produce enough food to supply all of Carryou's feeding programmes, in addition to producing a surplus that was directed to needy families in the community.

 "We produced record quantities of vegetables like spinach, tomatoes and beetroot," says Ngakane. "When it comes to feeding children, you cannot allow anything to get in the way."


 The cost to repair the tunnels runs into thousands of rands - money Carryou simply does not have available at the moment.
 "We will also have to wait until the end of the growing season," says Stephen. "Because repairs will entail removing the netting that forms the walls and roof of the structure, leaving the crops inside vulnerable to the attention of neighbouring cattle and goats."

 The current situation is inconvenient and makes much of the work awkward and uncomfortable, but winter crops are in the ground and tending to them goes on unabated.
 "The need for the food we produce, remains," says Stephen. "We cannot let anything get in the way."

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